DazzleJunction.net - Web Design Tips

Web Design Tips

ASCII Special Characters - Name and number codes for various symbols.
Awareness Ribbon Colors - A comprehensive list of colors and the causes they represent.
Copy & Paste - Instructions of how to copy and paste for web design.
Color Schemes - Design color palettes with popular colors and the cooresponding hex for each hue. Current palettes include: Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Orange, Purple, Violet, Cyan, and Vermilion.
Hex Color Chart - Common Color hexadecimal numbers used in HTML, CSS, SVG, and other computing applications to represent colors.
HTML CSS Overview - Learn more about HTML and CSS code.
HTML CSS Background Code - Generate a background code using image URL.
HTML Image Code - Generate an image code using image URL.
HTML Link Code - - Generate a link code using image URL.
Make Overlapping Text - Generate an overlapping text code.
Scrolling Text Marquee Codes - Spice up your page with text that moves in different directions.
What are HTML & CSS - Understanding HTML and CSS.

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